Contact Us

Contact us for a quote, fabrication timeline, or other question.


(appointment only)
5921 McIntosh Rd, #77, Sarasota, FL 34238

PO Box 15003, Sarasota, FL 34277


(941) 539-8855



Thanks for your contact.


Important: Since the hurricanes, we must do bids and proposals differently. We  love coming out to meet with you, but can no longer take two days out of our five day work week to travel the county doing bids. This will help us (and you) to gain the information you need more quickly:

If you are expecting to seek a bid for your project, please complete all the fields below, including sending of pictures. From that information we will render and send you a proposal that will be within  plus/minus 15%. If at that point all looks well, we will be delighted to come out, put a tape measure on your boat and submit a precise bid, scheduling you in queue. Thanks for this understanding.

If your contact is of a general nature, please feel free to just fill out just the top three fields and your general comment. All other fields, though helpful, are optional.


Please complete:

Contact type:

Florida Boat Canvas


(941) 539-8855


PO Box 15003
Sarasota, FL 34277


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